What’s Happening and when?
From the 6th April 2024, the Welsh Assembly Government (WAG) is making it law to separate collections of materials from all businesses, charities, and public sector organisations.
What waste needs to be separated?
The following materials will need to be segregated on-site, and collected separately:
- Food (by premises producing more than 5kg of food waste a week)
- Paper and cardboard
- Glass
- Metal, plastic, cartons, and other fibre-plastic composite packaging of a similarcomposition
- Unsold textiles
- Unsold small waste electrical and electronic equipment (sWEEE)
There will also be a ban on the following;
- Sending food waste to a sewer (any amount)
- Separately collected waste going to incineration and landfill
- All wood waste going to landfill
*You can mix paper and cardboard in the same container. You can mix metal, plastic, and cartons together.
Why is this happening?
This is part of Wales’ commitment to become a zero-waste nation. We aim to increase the quality and quantity of recycling from all businesses, charities, and public sector organisations. The UN suggests that we extract 90 billion tonnes of natural resources from the earth each year and these are soon to run out. This change in legislation, no matter how inconvenient it may seem is the start to help reduce our consumption rates and improve our re-use of materials.
Who will be affected by this change?
All businesses, charities, and public sector organisations including:
- Farms
- Hospitality (pubs, B&Bs, restaurants, hotels, campsites)
- Showgrounds
- Service stations and petrol stations
- Entertainment and sports venues including leisure centres
- Transport – bus stations, railway stations, seaports, airports, and heliports
- Care and nursing homes
- Pharmacies, GP surgeries, dental surgeries, and other primary care settings
- Construction sites
- Factories and warehouses
- Car garages
- Education – universities, colleges, and schools
- Garden centres
- Heritage buildings
- Libraries and museums
- Offices and workshops
- Places of worship
- Prisons
- Outdoor markets and festivals
- Retail
I’ve already got a plastic and food waste bin. Does this affect me?
In short, no, you’re already compliant in the context of the new legislation. For example, if you’re only producing plastic and cardboard waste at your premises, and these are going into separate bins to be collected separately, then you’re already doing what will be required come April.
I’m a business, what do I need to do?
Don’t worry, you are not alone during this transition. GD Environmental will be there to help your organisation to make this switch. Here is a useful guide to help you get ready:
Complete A Week Waste Audit Guide
A waste audit will help you and GD develop a tailored waste action plan ready for April 2024. If you currently have wheelie bins for Mixed Municipal Waste and/or Dry Mixed Recycling, you can follow this guidance to help understand your waste breakdown.
1. Lay out multiple containers in your office or workplace.
2. Separate your waste into the various types and dispose in an individual container:
a. Plastic
b. Glass
c. Metal
d. Paper and Cardboard
3. Weigh each container to understand the total weight of each stream, then X by 52 to calculate the annual waste production of each stream
4. Ring GD Environmental at 01633 277755 or email info@gd-environmental.co.uk with your findings and our Operations Team will be able to advise what bins you require and your lift frequency.
Useful tips
- Inform your staff about the new law and discuss ideas on how this might affect your workplace. This video is very helpful to aid the discussion: Workplace recycling – YouTube
- Think about what internal bins you might need. 60-litre capacity internal bins tend to work best for most offices, warehouses, and factories. Make sure these bins are clearly labeled and accessible to all staff
This is all too much I need help
For all our customers:
GD will make contact with you to agree on what supply of bins is necessary for your business and provide a clear price structure.
We are able to offer suggestions for the supply of bins based on the waste data we’ve recorded from your bin collections over the recent term.
- GD operatives deliver new bins to your site
- You start filling the bins with your segregated waste
- We collect the bins in our multi-compartment ash cart
- We work together to make Wales a zero-waste nation
For any potential customers who are daunted by the upcoming legislation change, please contact GD on 01633 277755/ info@gd-environmental.co.uk. Our Operations Team will be able to ensure your business is compliant come the 6th of April 2024.