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waste tip

How to Reduce Waste for Businesses


In the modern world, reducing waste is not just an environmental responsibility; it’s a must Businesses that manage waste effectively not only contribute to the planet’s health but can also save money, improve efficiency, and enhance their public image Reducing waste can be a...

recycling bins Wales

What is a waste transfer note?


What is a waste transfer note For each load of non-hazardous waste, you (as a business) move off your premises, you need to complete a waste transfer note (WTN) It is a legally required piece of documentation in the UK that records the transfer of waste from one organisation to another...

recycling bins Wales

Workplace Recycling in Wales Is Changing


What's Happening and when From the 6th April 2024, the Welsh Assembly Government (WAG) is making it law to separate collections of materials from all businesses, charities, and public sector organisations   What waste needs to be separated The following materials will need...

Ruth Jones BMRA Harold John

Ruth Jones MP and BMRA Visit Harold John (Metals): A Step towards a Sustainable Circular Economy


Last week, Ruth Jones MP for Newport and Shadow Minister for Defra, visited W Harold John (Metals) in Newport along with executives from the British Metals Recycling Association (BMRA) The purpose of the visit was to gain first-hand knowledge about the metals recycling industry and explore the...

waste tip

Legislation Update – Increasing Business Recycling Rates in Wales


In October 2023, the Welsh Government are due to pass legislation around waste storing and segregation for dry mixed recycling They’re proposing for recyclable materials to be further segregated from the normal co-mingled materials This is to support Wales achieving its target to recycle 70%...

hazardous waste

Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) Notice


The new compliance requirements on items containing persistent organic pollutants (POPs) was introduced in December 2022 and takes effect between now and December 2024   What are POPs POPs are chemicals often used as flame retardants and were highly used in seating units that contain...

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